The signing of Executive Order (EO) 13985 marked a historic commitment by the Federal Government to advance racial equity and support underserved communities. According to a White House fact sheet, ”the Federal Government is the largest consumer of goods in the world, buying everything from software to elevator services to financial and asset management. Federal procurement is one of our most powerful tools to advance equity and build wealth in underserved communities.” “And yet, just roughly 10% of Federal agencies’ total eligible contracting dollars typically go to small disadvantaged businesses, a category under Federal law for which Black-owned, Latino-owned, and other minority-owned businesses are presumed to qualify.”
Areas that Benefit Woman Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (WVOSB) Directly
EO 13985
Sec. 5. Conducting an Equity Assessment in Federal Agencies. The head of each agency, or designee, shall, in consultation with the Director of OMB, select certain of the agency’s programs and policies for a review that will assess whether underserved communities and their members face systemic barriers in accessing benefits and opportunities available pursuant to those policies and programs. The head of each agency, or designee, shall conduct such review and within 200 days of the date of this order provide a report to the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy (APDP) reflecting findings on the following:
- Potential barriers that underserved communities and individuals may face to enrollment in and access to benefits and services in Federal programs;
- Potential barriers that underserved communities and individuals may face in taking advantage of agency procurement and contracting opportunities;
- Whether new policies, regulations, or guidance documents may be necessary to advance equity in agency actions and programs; and
- The operational status and level of institutional resources available to offices or divisions within the agency that are responsible for advancing civil rights or whose mandates specifically include serving underrepresented or disadvantaged communities.
Sec. 7. Promoting Equitable Delivery of Government Benefits and Equitable Opportunities. Government programs are designed to serve all eligible individuals. And Government contracting and procurement opportunities should be available on an equal basis to all eligible providers of goods and services. To meet these objectives and to enhance compliance with existing civil rights laws:
- Within 1 year of the date of this order, the head of each agency shall consult with the APDP and the Director of OMB to produce a plan for addressing:
- any barriers to full and equal participation in programs identified pursuant to section 5(a) of this order; and
- any barriers to full and equal participation in agency procurement and contracting opportunities identified pursuant to section 5(b) of this order.
- The Administrator of the U.S. Digital Service, the United States Chief Technology Officer, the Chief Information Officer of the United States, and the heads of other agencies, or their designees, shall take necessary actions, consistent with applicable law, to support agencies in developing such plans.
Read the entire order
What It Means
- $100B projected increase in Government spending with small and disadvantaged businesses.
- $31B in new spending on small business programs aimed at providing access to capital.
Why That Matters
99.9% Of all of America’s 2.52 million Veteran minority-owned businesses classify as small business.(smallbiztreds.com)
Since the inception of OSDBU’s Women Veteran-Owned Small Business Initiative (WVOSBI) in 2019, WVOSBI has focused on giving opportunities to women Veterans by providing programming and access to economic opportunities. WVOSBI is committed to fostering diversity and promoting minority and women Veterans in business. WVOSBI work to enable women Veterans by connecting them to networking and collaborative opportunities with Federal agencies, commercial, non-profits, and educational entities. Executive Order (EO) 13985 will also help OSDBU to reach its goal of increasing WVOSBs participation as prime vendors to a level of at least 5%.
- Form strategic alliances that leverage commercial and other Government intellectual capital and resources to expand services to WVOSBs.
- Foster collaborations and strategic partnerships amongst WVOSBs
- Increase participation with other Federal agencies, commercial entities, non-profits, and educational institutions to increase WVOSB capacity building.
- Create additional engagements and training that are geared towards the development of businesses in expanding and underrepresented sectors of VA spend areas.
- Raise awareness of the need to increase WVOSB utilization in the Federal and commercial marketplace.
- Expand and enable access to economic, procurement and learning opportunities for WVOSBs.
- Impact revenue and past performance Government and Agency-wide acquisitions and subcontracting dedicated to WVOSBs.
- Diversify technical evaluations criteria and proposal evaluations team composition.
- Incentivize Prime Vendor and accountability in subcontracting. Include WVOSBs which enables their ability to acquire past performance.
Women Veteran-Owned Businesses
“The Super-Market. We are the greatest, richest, untapped, underutilized, market in the Nation.”
- - Michelle “GI” Gardner-Ince - Director of WVOSBI, on women Veteran businesses.
- Within 1 year of the date of this order, the head of each agency shall consult with the APDP and the Director of OMB to produce a plan for addressing:
- 3.3% women Veteran’s business have employees.
- 30k women Veterans’ transition from military service each year.
- 48% of women Veteran are minority.
- 50% all new businesses are women-owned.
- 20% of that are Veteran business are minority owned.
- 15% of women owned.
- 20% of that are Veteran business are minority owned.
- 20% of Veteran business are minority owned.
- 5x growth in women business in the national average.
- 295% growth in women Veteran businesses overall since 2012.
- For every $1.00 a non-Veteran man makes women veterans make $0.37.
- For every $1.00 a non-Veteran woman makes a woman Veteran makes $0.32.
- Transitioning skills learned in military to business.
- Socio-economic certifications and certification strategy
- Lack of business development strategy/capacity.
- Sexism, racism, ageism, disability discrimination.
- Business knowledge/capacity.
- Entering the Federal supply chain/Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs).
- Difficulty breaking into predominantly male North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code market.
- Difficulty obtaining capital for start-up or expansion (systems & real property).
- Differences in social networks.
- Creating internal contact as a potential Prime/Sub Contractor.
How this benefits Minority Women Veteran-Owned Business at OSDBU
Women are the fastest growing cohort within the Veteran community, and 48% of Veteran women belong to a minority group. Women Veterans who can classify as minorities have more opportunities available to them through additional Government set-asides. As almost half of the women Veteran-owned businesses are minorities, racial equity in procurement will yield enhanced business opportunities for minority women Veteran-owned businesses.
EO 13985 is aimed at eliminating barriers identified in Federal contracting and procurement opportunities for members of underserved communities. As a result, members of these groups involved with Federal contracting should expect new policies that more closely reflect the commitment of the Biden administration to rectify those barriers to entry.
When starting your own business, doing market research and assessing your location are critical. Market research allows companies to learn what opportunities are available by determining which areas are more utilized by the federal government. Certain regions in the U.S. are Veteran-centric and which, in the interim more funded by congress. These target markets and regions are where VA spends the majority of its capital. Targeting these markets strengthens the chances of success and long-term growth.

- Collaborate and leverage commercial and other government agency intellectual capital.
- Raise awareness of the need to increase Women Veteran-Owned Small Business (WVOSB) utilization in the Federal and Commercial marketplace.
- Expand and enable access, economic, procurement and learning opportunities for WVOSBs.
- Create additional engagements and training that are geared towards the development of businesses in expanding and underrepresented sectors of VA spend areas.
- Expand and enable access, economic, procurement and learning opportunities for WVOSBs.
- Increase collaboration with other Federal agencies, commercial entities, non-profits, and educational institutions.
- Foster collaborations and strategic partnerships amongst WVOSBs.
Click this link to learn more about WVOSBI

- U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce – Inaugural Women’s Small Business Summit “Women Mean Business”
- Women Impacting Public Policy – ChallengeHER webinar
- PenFed Bootcamp Accelerator
- VetBizLadyStart
- VetBiz Portal
- Messaging/Outreach to (SD)VOSBs to Aid Market Research
- Strategic Outreach and Communications (SOC)
- Email: Contacting SOC
- Procurement Review Process Inquiries
- Procurement Review Team (PRT)
- Email: Contact PRT
- Set Up an Event with Vendors to Support Market Research
- Direct Access Program (DAP)
- Email: Contacting DAP
- Education & Training Resources
- Education and Training Resources
- Identify barriers and how to maneuver around them
- Networking
- Women Business Centers
- WBC Locator - Association of Women’s Business Centers (awbc.org)
- Utilize former military or business connections
- LinkedIn for Veterans (free subscription)
- Understanding your capabilities
- Small Business Liaisons
- Utilize resources provided
- WVOSBI Resources
- Learn how to start a business
- Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC)
- SBA's Office of Advocacy – SBA's Office of Advocacy
- U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce – When we focus our influence, we shape our world. (uswcc.org)
- #NWBC – Advancing Women Entrepreneurs. Growing America's Economy
- 8(a) Business Development program (sba.gov)
- WVOSBI Resources
Section 8 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 637) is amended by adding at the end the following: 811(m) PROCUREMENT PROGRAM FOR WOMEN-OWNED SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS-
- DEFINITIONS - In this subsection, the following definitions apply:
- CONTRACTING OFFICER-The term "contracting officer" has the meaning given such term in section 27(f)(5) of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act (41 U.S.C. 423(f)(5)).
- SMALL BUSINESS CONCERN OWNED AND CONTROLLED BY WOMEN-The term "small business concern owned and controlled by women" has the meaning given such term in section 3(n), except that ownership shall be determined without regard to any community property law.
- AUTHORITY TO RESTRICT COMPETITION-In accordance with this subsection, a contracting officer may restrict competition for any contract for the procurement of goods or services by the Federal Government to small business concerns owned and controlled by women, if-
- Each of the concerns is not less than 51 percent owned by 1 or more women who are economically disadvantaged (and such ownership is determined without regard to any community property law);
- The contracting officer has a reasonable expectation that 2 or more small business concerns owned and controlled by women will submit offers for the contract;
- The contract is for the procurement of goods or services with respect to an industry identified by the Administrator pursuant to paragraph (3);
- The anticipated award price of the contract (including options) does not exceed-
- $5,000,000, in the case of a contract assigned an industrial classification code for manufacturing; or
- $3,000,000, in the case of all other contracts;
- In the estimation of the contracting officer, the contract award can be made at a fair and reasonable price; and
- Each of the concerns-
- Is certified by a Federal agency, a State Government, or a national certifying entity approved by the Administrator, as a small business concern owned and controlled by women; or
- Certifies to the contracting officer that it is a small business concern owned and controlled by women and provides adequate documentation, in accordance with standards established by the Administration, to support such certification.
- Waiver- With respect to a small business concern owned and controlled by women, the Administrator may waive subparagraph (2)(A) if the Administrator determines that the concern is in an industry in which small business concerns owned and controlled by women are substantially underrepresented.
- Identification Of Industry- The Administrator shall conduct a study to identify industries in which small business concerns owned and controlled by women are underrepresented with respect to Federal procurement contracting.
- Enforcement; Penalties-
- Verification Of Eligibility-In carrying out this subsection, the Administrator shall establish procedures relating to-
- The filing, investigation, and disposition by the Administration of any challenge to the eligibility of a small business concern to receive assistance under this subsection (including a challenge, filed by an interested party, relating to the veracity of a certification made or information provided to the Administration by a small business concern under paragraph (2)(F)); and
- Verification by the Administrator of the accuracy of any certification made or information provided to the Administration by a small business concern under paragraph (2)(F).
- Examinations-The procedures established under subparagraph (A) may provide for program examinations (including random program examinations) by the Administrator of any small business concern making a certification or providing information to the Administrator under paragraph (2)(F).
- Penalties-In addition to the penalties described in section 16(d), any small business concern that is determined by the Administrator to have misrepresented the status of that concern as a small business concern owned and controlled by women for purposes of this subsection, shall be subject to-
- Section 1001 of title 18, United States Code; and
- Sections 3729 through 3733 of title 31, United States Code;
- Verification Of Eligibility-In carrying out this subsection, the Administrator shall establish procedures relating to-
- PROVISION OF DATA-Upon the request of the Administrator, the head of any Federal department or agency shall promptly provide to the Administrator such information as the Administrator determines to be necessary to carry out this subsection.
Executive Order 12138 – Created a National Women’s Business Enterprise Policy and prescribing arrangements for developing, coordinating and implementing a national program for women’s business enterprise.
Read the entire order1-101. Within the constraints of statutory authority and as otherwise permitted by law:
- Each department and agency of the Executive Branch shall take appropriate action to facilitate, preserve and strengthen women's business enterprise and to ensure full participation by women in the free enterprise system.
- Each department and agency shall take affirmative action in support of women's business enterprise in appropriate programs and activities including but not limited to:
- management, technical, financial, and procurement assistance
- business-related education, training, counselling and information dissemination, and
- procurement.
- Each department or agency empowered to extend Federal financial assistance to any program or activity shall issue regulations requiring the recipient of such assistance to take appropriate affirmative action in support of women's business enterprise and to prohibit actions or policies which discriminate against women's business enterprise on the ground of sex. For purposes of this subsection, Federal financial assistance means assistance extended by way of grant, cooperative agreement, loan or contract other than a contract of insurance of guaranty. These regulations shall prescribe sanctions for noncompliance. Unless otherwise specified by law, no agency sanctions shall be applied until the agency or department concerned has advised the appropriate person or persons of the failure to comply with its regulations and has determined that compliance cannot be secured by voluntary means.
- PenFed Bootcamp Accelerator
- VetBizLadyStart
- My Business Journey